The name of the fund shall be "The Huddersfield and District Football Association Benevolent Fund" referred to in these rules as "The Fund"
To give financial assistance to players or officials of Clubs affiliated to the Huddersfield and District F.A. or playing in leagues associated with the District F.A. also to referees and officials of leagues associated with the District F.A., or to the Association 0fficials who may suffer hardship through injury or illness attributed to participation in the game and who need assistance.
Grants may also be made to necessitous persons who have rendered service to the game in the area, to the dependants of any of the aforementioned persons or to charitable or benevolent institutions whose objects are in alignment with the aims and purposes of this Benevolent Fund.
The Fund shall be administered by the Council of the Huddersfield and District F.A. whose decision in each case shall be final. Meetings of the Committee shall be held as and when required. Separate books of accounts shall be kept and a report and balance sheet of the Benevolent Fund shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting of the Association. Any surplus funds may be invested, but such investment shall be in Trustee Securities or Similar Securities.
The Benevolent Fund is established not to supersede efforts by Clubs and others interested in a case, but to supplement such efforts. Applications for a grant must be made on the official Form, which must be completed fully.
Any League, Club, Player or Official may make a contribution to the Benevolent Fund, either by way of donating the gate receipts of a match, making a personal donation or a donation from a Club or League funds, collection at a match or donating a match fee. |