All meetings of the Council shall be held on the Wednesday after the third Saturday of each month, at 7.30 pm . Under special circumstances the Chairperson shall have the power to postpone the meeting. A record shall be kept of the attendance of members at each meeting.
Notice of all intended motions shall be given, in writing , to the Secretary not less than seven days before the meeting of the Council. The Secretary shall place the motions on the agenda in the order received.
All proposals of Committees and Members of Council involving any alteration to rule shall be referred to the Rules Revision Committee for their consideration and report before adopting by the Council..
At each meeting of the Council the Secretary shall present the minutes of the last preceding Council Meeting. He/She shall read such letters as may be necessary.
The reports of Committees shall next be considered. The Chairperson of each Committee, or in their absence, a member of the Committee, shall propose the adoption of the report, and members may then speak on any matter mentioned in the report, or move a resolution thereon. The business on the agenda shall be preceded within such order as the Chairperson may direct.
Each member, on speaking, shall rise and address themselves to the Chairperson, during the time any member is speaking, all other members shall remain seated, unless a member rises to a point of order. Whenever the Chairperson rises to speak, no one shall continue standing, nor shall any one rise untill the Chair has been resumed.
All motions, whether original ones or amendments, shall if the Chairperson requests it, be reduced to writing, signed by the mover, and handed to the Secretary immediately on being moved and members proposing such motions or amendments shall read the same before speaking of them.
The mover of every original resolution, but not of any amendment (unless it becomes an original motion) shall have the right to reply, not introducing therein any new matter, but confining themselves strictly to the answering of previous statements, immediately after the which the question shall be put from the Chair.
When an amendment is moved upon a proposition, a further amendment shall not be moved or taken into consideration until the first is disposed of, but any number of amendments may be brought forward in succession, and the question must be put in such a manner that if one amendment be negative, another may be moved upon the original proposition., but if the amendment be affirmed, it shall form the proposition under consideration, upon which further amendments may be moved. If after the disposal of an amendment, second or further amendments are not moved, the question must ultimately be put upon the original or amended proposition as the case may be, to allow it to be passed as a resolution.
When discussion arises upon an amended proposition, the mover of the amendment which has displaced the original proposition may speak in reply and so in a like manner with respect to any further and displacing amendments.
All questions shall be determined by a show of hands unless afterwards a formal division be demanded, or the votes ordered to be recorded, which shall be done at the request of any member, supported by at least two others. In that case, the names for and against shall be taken down by the Secretary and entered in the minutes. In matters relating to elections, members may vote by ballot. In the event of a tie in the number of votes cast for and against a resolution, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second casting vote.
The business under any notice shall not (except by consent of the Council) be preceded with in the absence of the member of the Council in whose name it stands, unless they have given written authority for it to be taken up by another member.
If the Chairperson at any Council Meeting shall be of the opinion that any motion proposed to be made there is of an objectionable character, it shall be competent for that person either before or after the same is brought forward to put it to the vote without discussion, whether the motion shall be entertained or not, and if two-thirds of the members present decide not to entertain such motion, the same shall be considered as disposed of for that day.
Whenever during the transaction of business, it is stated
(1) The President, Chairperson and Secretary shall ex-officio be members of all committees but may not be appointed Chairperson of the Referees or Minor Committee
(2) Each committee shall appoint its own Chairperson, two members to form a quorum.
(3) All reports shall be presented to the Council, in writing and after being read and adopted, a note of their reception shall be made in the minutes of Council
(4) The Following shall be Committees of the Council.
Finance Committee
Referees Committee
Minor Committee
Cup Committee
Rules Revision Committee
(5) The members of Committees shall continue in office until their successors are appointed.
The decisions of all Committees must be approved by the Council
To conduct all financial business of the Association.
The entire control and management of Minor Football within this area are vested in this Committee. The Committee shall consist of three members approved by the Council, together with co-opted members subject to the approval of the Council.
Each League within the Associations area shall appoint one representative to this committee. Its duties shall include the appointment of referee to all matches, the education and classification of referees, and exercise such powers as are delegated to it by the Council from time to time.
Such powers as are delegated to them from time to time.
A resolution may be rescinded at the meeting of the Council at which it has been passed, provided the motion to rescind shall be carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
The discussion, statement of members, evidence of witnesses, and other matters within and before the Council in Committee, and Committees shall be deemed privileged. The Council shall have the power to censure or suspend from service on the Council any member proved to be guilty of a breach of this. |