The Association shall be called the " Huddersfield and District Football Association" and shall be affiliated with and directly under the control of the West Riding County Football Association Ltd.
The Area of the Association shall be defined by the West Riding County Football Association.
All clubs having their grounds or headquarters within the area shall be eligible for membership
The Association shall be governed by a Council consisting of a President, Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Life Members, not more than five Vice Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Chairman and Secretary of the Minor Committee, Secretary of the Referee's Committee, one representative from the Huddersfield Referees Association and the Referees Appointment Secretaries, Representatives of Leagues situated within the area of the Association. The Council may co-opt from bodies having objects similar to their own.
The League representation shall be at the rate of two members for the first twenty clubs or part thereof, and one representative for each additional ten Clubs or greater part thereof, providing that such Clubs are fully affiliated members of the Association with a maximum of four representatives per League. The qualification of Life Members shall be twenty-one years service as members of the Council.
The President, Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Vice Presidents shall be elected by the Council at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting from those who have served 3 years on the Council of this Association. The Council at its first meeting after the Annual General shall elect the Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and the Honorary Secretaries of the Minor Committee, Referee's Committee, and the Finance Committee. The officers of the Association shall be the President, Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Chairman and Secretary of the Minor Committee and the Referee Appointments Secretaries.
Officers of the Association shall not hold executive office with any member Club of this Association. The Council will have the power to co-opt such members of the West Riding County F.A. as may reside within the area of the Huddersfield & District F.A. The Council shall have the power to elect Sub-Committees and shall determine the scope of their activities.
Leagues claiming to send a representation or representatives to the Council shall before the 1st day of August each year forward the name and address of such representative to the Secretary.; The Council on ascertaining the correctness of the claim shall declare such representatives elected.
Subsequent claims shall be dealt with as they arise.
The Association shall appoint representatives to the West Riding County F.A. who shall be elected by the Council before the 31st day of March each year.
This Association shall be responsible to the West Riding County F.A. for the action of its clubs, players, officials and spectators and shall take all precautions necessary in conjunction with its clubs, to prevent spectators threatening or assaulting officials or players during or at the conclusion of matches. The Association shall have the power to control, conduct and manage its own approved competitions and see that all clubs conform to the rules and regulations of the Football Association.
The Association shall have the power to suspend Clubs for non-payment of fees, fines, etc.
The Association shall act if so desired, as a body for the insuring of players against accidents, providing that the West Riding County Football Association approves its rules.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 31st July each year. Each Club having paid its affiliation fee for the current season before the date of the Annual General Meting shall be entitled to send a representative to this and all other General Meetings of the Association. This individual shall not represent two Clubs at any one meeting The Council shall be entitled to vote at all the Annual and Special General Meetings. At the request in writing, of one fourth of the members of this Association, The Council shall call a Special General Meeting at ten days notice.
The representatives of any club or Competition concerned in a complaint, or in any dispute whatsoever, shall not be eligible to sit on the Council whilst the said complaint or dispute is being discussed.
No player of affiliated clubs shall be allowed to play with or against any club not affiliated.
Any Club competing for any prize offered by any private individual or individuals, if the nett proceeds do not go to some affiliated football club or clubs, charity or charities, shall cease to be a member of this Association, unless the clubs obtain the consent of the appropriate County Association before playing for such a prize. No Club belonging to this Association, or player of any such club, shall take part in a football contest other than practice matches between teams of the same club during the close season.
No gate money can be taken at practice matches out of season except for charities.
The Officers of the Association shall be empowered to carry out the work of the Association until the Council is appointed.
The Council (or any Committee appointed by them to investigate and decide upon any matter) shall have the power to punish any club officials or players of the same, or members of the Council, by expulsion, fine, or otherwise as they may think fit, should any of the parties enumerated above be found to have been guilty of any breach of Rules of this Association, or of the Football Association but not for breach of the Laws of the Game.
Every club or competition is responsible to the Council for the action of its players, Officials and Spectators. Any Change of Club Secretary must be notified to the Association Secretary. Clubs and competitions are further required to take all precautions necessary to prevent spectators threatening or assaulting officials or players during or at the conclusion of matches.
The Council shall have first claim of the services of any player or official of t he Huddersfield and District Association for its official matches.
All affiliated clubs shall, if called upon, place their players and ground at the disposal of the Council for one match each season. 10% of the nett gate shall be paid for the use of the ground if required. Local Association Cup matches (Senior and Junior Competitions) take preference over all League Matches on the Association Conference dates.
All Fees, fines and cost/expenses imposed by the Association must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date, and if not paid within this period the total amount owing shall be doubled for each seven days, or part thereof, that the amount remains outstanding.
Clubs disbanding while still owing monies to this Association shall have their elected officers and registered players held responsible jointly or severally for the payment of its fines and shall be notified within 28 days of disbandment.
Any appeal against a decision of this Association shall be made in accordance with the appropriate rule of appeal to the County Association to whom they are affiliated.
All appeals made to the West Ring County Football Association shall be in accordance with rule 16 (Duties & Privileges of Local District Associations) of the West Riding County Football Association.
The Association shall have the power to organise Cup Competitions approved by the West Riding County Football Association. The conference date for matches in these competitions shall be the 3rd Saturday or Sunday in each month.
The minutes and proceedings of this Association shall be submitted, if required, to the West Riding County Football Association for confirmation.
No rule shall be altered except at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, and supported by two thirds of the representatives present and voting.
Affiliated clubs may propose alterations to rules. Notice of such proposals shall be forwarded in writing to reach the Secretary of the Association not later than May 1st in each year.
A copy of the proposed alterations to rules proposed by clubs, or the Council of the Association shall be forwarded to each club in full membership and each member of Council at least 7 days before the meeting.
The income and Property of the Association shall be at their complete disposal, providing that such income and property shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the Football Association as set out in the Memorandum of Association.
The funds of the Association shall be lodged with approved banks in the name of the President or Chairman and Treasurer of the Council.
All accounts over £50.00 shall be submitted for approval of the Council
The end of the financial year shall be May 31st, and the accounts shall be audited yearly. Two auditors shall be appointed annually, and they shall audit the accounts. An audited balance sheet shall be sent to each club at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
All trophies of the Association, and other such effects or assets as may be acquired from time to time, shall be held in trust by the President and Treasurer of the Association, who shall for intents and purposes be their legal owners. Should the Association become defunct, then the surplus assets shall be applied by the West Riding County F.A. in liquidating any liability of the Association. If the surplus assets shall be more than sufficient to liquidate such liability, then the balance shall be disposed of in accordance with rule 8 of the Football Association's Regulations applying to club companies. If such assets shall be insufficient to liquidate the Associations liabilities, then a levy shall be made on the clubs in the area to produce a sum sufficient to do this.
The Association shall have power to add Rules applicable to this area, subject to the approval of the West Riding County F.A.
In all other respects this Association shall be governed and guided by the rules of the West Riding County Football Association on points of issue. |